You’ve been selected for one of our magical experiences that we’re giving away to raise money for charity!

Instead of $250 for the experience,

you can can get it for a 50 dollar donation!

You can take advantage of the magical Fairy and Fisherman Experience with littleroyals™ with this special invite, consider it your golden ticket to the Magical Kingdom.

As a thank you for helping out with this fundraiser, you'll also receive $450 Studio Art Credit to use on any of our portraits, storyboards, or storybooks! You are not under any obligation to purchase anything additional. 

We are choosing to give a portion of proceeds from additional purchases of art pieces to support the Banquet in Sioux Falls! They serve the community with meals for those in need. If you are interested in other art pieces, click here to learn more.

100% of the experience fee 50 dollar donation goes to charity. We don't keep any of it.